Wednesday, May 22, 2013

2012/2013 Season Recap

I had wanted to take a minute to recognize my first full running season and all of my accomplishments, but every time I sat down to write, I realized that there was just one more race that I wanted to complete before I officially called the season over.

But now, with the heat soaring to the 90s almost every day, I think the season is officially over, whether I want to squeeze one more event in or not.

And the reality is, that although I could probably handle one or two more events, I am not sure my medal rack could hold any more finisher's medals. With the new season starting in September, it might actually be time to explore other options for displaying them.

I had a couple simple goals when I started the 2012/2013. The first goal was to train for and complete my first half marathon. The second goal was to complete a couple of 5K races to get me used to the idea of actually participating in road races. I seem to have surpassed these goals by leaps and bounds as I completed 15 racing events.

Ultimately, this year I completed *7* 5K races which included:
I completed *1* 10 mile race:

And far surpassing my goal, I completed *7* half marathons:

With those 7 half marathons, I am well on my way to reaching my goal of 13 half marathons in 2013. I am ready to see what new goals the 2013/2014 will bring.

I've got some interesting goals and plans up my sleeves, so stay tuned for more info.


  1. Amy! SO inspiring!!! That is awesome, I hope I have that many medals to display some day. What an amazing year you had! Congratulations.

    1. Thank you. I just got a message from a new friend whom I met through OCRs... she told me that she was in love with my blog and how inspirational I am. I wonder if blogging is really worth it sometimes...

      So to hear someone else say that my blog makes a difference... that's awesome. thanks for the encouragement and kind words. and come back tomorrow. I've got news.

  2. Love all that BLING:) I have this dream one day to create this awesome medal display wall with lighting and everything... We'll see though:) I think its amazing how many races you've already done this year! Look forward to hearing about the "new goals" up your sleeves:)

    1. Thank you so much Kristy,
      What stops you from creating your medal display?
      Come back tomorrow please... I'll be talking about this something new I have up my sleeve.
